var id = new Array(); var G_px = new Array(); var G_py = new Array(); var sx = new Array(); var sy = new Array(); var bx = new Array(); var by = new Array(); var moves = new Array(); var time = new Array(); var timer = new Array(); var playing = new Array(); var solved = new Array(); function getImage(nr, x, y) { //alert('getImage('+nr+', '+x+', '+y+')'); return document.getElementById('p' + nr + '_' + x + 'x' + y); } // getImage function handleFirstMove(nr) { time[nr] = new Date(); timer[nr] = setTimeout('updateTimeElapsed('+nr+')',333); if (-1 != id[nr]) { document.getElementById('puzzleform'+nr).submit(); } } function handleSolved(nr) { clearTimeout(timer[nr]); var time = timeElapsed(nr); if (-1 != id[nr]) { document.getElementById('puzzleform'+nr).submit(); } // Make the blank tile visible img = getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]); = -bx[nr] * sx[nr]; = -by[nr] * sy[nr]; = ''; alert("\n\n\tCongratulations!\n\tYou've solve this puzzle in "+moves[nr]+" moves and "+time+".\n\n"); playing[nr] = false; solved[nr] = true; } // handleSolved function checkSolved(nr) { ///alert('checkSolved('+nr+') '+G_px[nr]+' '+G_py[nr]+' '+G_px+' '+G_py); var i, j, img; for(j = 0; j < G_py[nr]; j++) { for(i = 0; i < G_px[nr]; i++) { img = getImage(nr, i, j); // check if this is not the blank if ((i != bx[nr]) || (j != by[nr])) { if ((parseInt( != (-i * sx[nr])) || (parseInt( != (-j * sy[nr]))) { // this tile is not on the right spot // puzzle isn't solved return false; } } } } // Everything is O.K. Puzzle is solved handleSolved(nr); return true; } checkSolved function updateTimeElapsed(nr) { document.getElementById('time'+ nr).innerHTML = timeElapsed(nr); timer[nr] = setTimeout('updateTimeElapsed('+nr+')',333); } // function timeElapsed(nr) { var date = new Date(); var tm = date.getTime() - time[nr].getTime();; document.getElementById('puzzleform'+ nr).time.value = tm; ms = tm % 1000; if (ms < 10) { ms = '00' + ms; } else if (ms < 100) { ms = '0' + ms } tm = (tm - ms) / 1000; sec = tm % 60; if (sec < 10) { sec = '0' + sec; } min = (tm - sec) / 60; //min = tm; return min + ':' + sec; // + '.' + ms; } // timeElapsed function slideUp(nr, x, y) { var fimg = getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]); var j, img; for(j = by[nr] + 1; j <= y; j++) { // the image from where we move img = getImage(nr, x, j); =; =; fimg = img; } } // slideUp function slideDown(nr, x, y) { var fimg = getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]); var j, img; for(j = by[nr] - 1; j >= y; j--) { // the image from where we move img = getImage(nr, x, j); =; =; fimg = img; } } // slideDown function slideLeft(nr, x, y) { var fimg = getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]); var i, img; for(i = bx[nr] + 1; i <= x; i++) { // the image from where we move img = getImage(nr, i, y); =; =; fimg = img; } } // slideLeft function slideRight(nr, x, y) { var fimg = getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]); var i, img; for(i = bx[nr] - 1; i >= x; i--) { // the image from where we move img = getImage(nr, i, y); =; =; fimg = img; } } // slideRight function slide(nr, x, y) { ///alert('slide('+nr+', '+x+', '+y+')'); // if the puzzle is solved go to the alternate url if (solved[nr]) { if (-1 ==id[nr]) { top.location.href = ''; } else { top.location.href = '' + id[nr]; } } else { // if we clicked on the trans square... do nothing if ((x == bx[nr]) && (y == by[nr])) return; //alert('slide'+x+', '+y); // we clicked in the row/column where the blank is... if ((x == bx[nr]) || (y == by[nr])) { // make the blank block visible getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]).style.display = ''; // the next four lines determine where the trans is // in respect to the position we clicked on and then // move the pieces according: either up, down, left or right if (y > by[nr]) slideUp(nr, x, y); if (y < by[nr]) slideDown(nr, x, y); if (x > bx[nr]) slideLeft(nr, x, y); if (x < bx[nr]) slideRight(nr, x, y); // the blank will now be where we clicked to make the move bx[nr] = x; by[nr] = y; getImage(nr, x, y).style.display = 'none'; if (playing[nr]) { if (0 == moves[nr]) { handleFirstMove(nr); } moves[nr]++; document.getElementById('moves' + nr).innerHTML = moves[nr]; document.getElementById('puzzleform'+ nr).moves.value = moves[nr]; document.getElementById('time'+ nr).innerHTML = timeElapsed(nr); //document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = 'bla'; checkSolved(nr); } } } } // slide function setGlobals(nr, _id, _px, _py, _sx, _sy, _bx, _by) { ///alert('setGlobals('+nr+', '+_id+', '+_px+', '+_py+', '+_sx+', '+_sy+', '+_bx+', '+_by+')'); id[nr] = _id; G_px[nr] = _px; G_py[nr] = _py; sx[nr] = _sx; sy[nr] = _sy; bx[nr] = _bx; by[nr] = _by; moves[nr] = 0; time[nr] = 0; playing[nr] = false; solved[nr] = false; } // setGlobals function showPuzzle(nr, url, title) { var i, j; document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('
'); if (-1 == id[nr]) { document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); } if ('' == title) { document.write(''); } else { document.write(title); } document.write(''); document.write('
'); document.write(''); for (j = 0; j < G_py[nr]; j++) { document.write(''); for (i = 0; i < G_px[nr]; i++) { document.write(''); } document.write(''); } document.write('
'); document.write('
Moves: 0'); document.write('
'); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('
'); document.write(''); document.write('
'); document.write('Time: 0:00
'); } // showPuzzle function randomSlide(nr, iterations) { var x; var y; // suspend play while we do it playing[nr] = false; // count down the iterations while (iterations--) { // initially we set an invalid move because this routine // just fakes mouse clicks at randomly selected positions // and we want to select a valid move randomly from the start x = bx[nr]; y = by[nr]; if (iterations % 2) { // keep selecting a new X position until we get one // that is neither the trans square nor going to give // us a result the same as the previous move while (x == bx[nr]) { x = Math.floor(Math.random() * G_px[nr]); } // we set the column to be the same as the trans square y = by[nr]; } else { // fake a move in the same row as the trans while (y == by[nr]) { y = Math.floor(Math.random() * G_py[nr]); } x = bx[nr]; } slide(nr, x, y); } // resume playing playing[nr] = true; } // randomSlide function puzzle(_id, _url, _title, _px, _py, _sx, _sy, _bx, _by) { ///alert('puzzle('+_id+', '+_url+', '+_title+', '+_px+', '+_py+', '+_sx+', '+_sy+', '+_bx+', '+_by+')'); //document.write(_id); var nr = id.length+0; setGlobals(nr, _id, _px, _py, _sx, _sy, _bx, _by); showPuzzle(nr, _url, _title); getImage(nr, bx[nr], by[nr]).style.display = 'none'; randomSlide(nr, Math.round(Math.pow(G_px[nr] * G_py[nr], 1.4))); } // puzzle